Coleridge had to rely on an opium
dream for a glimpse of Xanadu, the "stately pleasure-dome" of Kubla
Khan. But the Xanadu of the Western world, Sans Souci, is a well preserved
reality. More alluring even than Versailles, it exists just half an hour from the
center of Berlin-about as far a ride as Versailles is from Paris-in the city of
Sans Souci was the brainchild of
Frederick II of Prussia, known as Frederick the Great-the philosopher-king, the
warrior-king, and probably the most versatile ruler in history. He gave the
name Sans Souci, “without care,” to the residence begun in 1745 by his
architect, Georg Wenzeslaus von Knobelsdorff, a master of rococo. The name
eventually came to describe a full square mile of parks, palaces, and stunning
curiosities created by Frederick II and augmented in the mid-nineteenth century
by another aesthetic Hohenzollern, King Frederick William IV.
During much of the last century,
the world wars and the Cold War had kept Potsdam off the tour Americans usually
made of the Continent, and although the East German government boasted two
million visitors a year, you could still score points at a sophisticated dinner
in Paris or London by saying you've been to Sans Souci. "Anything on Sans
Souci?" two Parisian librarians were once asked. Both thought Sans Souci
was an author. "Son prenom, monsieur?"

Frederick II was the only
Hohenzollern to have been called "the Great," but no one could have
predicted such glory considering just his early years. Reared by a French
governess and a French tutor, he disliked speaking his native German and
loathed the prospect of assuming the throne. He quarreled with his crude,
militarist father, and in 1730, at the age of eighteen, he actually ran away
from home with an army lieutenant. Caught trying to escape Prussia, Frederick
was imprisoned and forced to witness the beheading of his companion. The
experience was sobering. Frederick knuckled down; he assumed responsibilities
and began studying warfare and statecraft along with art and philosophy. In the
years to come he would build an army more than twice as large as his father's
and lead it brilliantly to battle with the Austrians, the French, and the
In 1733 Frederick married
Elizabeth Christine, daughter of the duke of Brunswick-Bevern, but she didn't
play an important role in his life, nor it appears did any other woman. In 1740
he inherited the throne of Prussia. Within a few months he invaded Austria.
Five years later, having gained Silesia, he made peace with the Austrian
empress, Maria Theresa. For the next decade, Frederick devoted himself to the
exquisite life at Sans Souci.
The focal point of Sans Souci is
the rotunda, where the Round Table met to discuss the dizzily changing times
over fine food and wine. From 1750 to 1753 Voltaire was present at every meal
since he was a permanent guest in the palace. Among the other guests were
Italian writer Francesco Algarotti and French astronomer Pierre-Louis Moreau de
In his memoirs Voltaire recalls
the bachelor suppers in the rotunda, where the backdrop was an erotic painting
of nymphs, satyrs, and cupids: "If
anyone had suddenly come in, seen this picture, and heard us, he would have believed
that the Seven Wise Men of Greece were convening in a brothel. Nowhere in the
world were the superstitions of mankind so freely discussed, and nowhere with
such ridicule and disdain. God was made an exception, but of all the illusions
mankind created in His name, none was spared."
Frederick kept his builders busy at Sans Souci. For the pleasure of his eye as he looked out the windows of the rotunda, the king had false ruins of antiquity constructed on a hill. He built Neptune's Grotto, a decorative pavilion, and because China was believed to be an earthly paradise, he built two pagoda-type buildings, the extravagant Chinese Tea house and the Dragon House.

He built an orangery with lavishly paneled guest rooms.
The days of the Round Table were
short-lived. The king became absorbed in the most trying experience of his life:
the Seven Years' War. Frederick suffered numerous defeats, while the Russians, French,
and Austrians ravaged his territories of Prussia, Brandenburg, and Silesia. The
death of Czarina Elizabeth of Russia in 1762, however, was providential for the
King of Prussia. Her successor, Peter III, an admirer of Frederick and a weak
ruler, sued for peace, and even placed 18,000 Russian soldiers at Frederick's
disposal. The Austrians and French felt bound to make peace as well. Although
Prussia had been badly bled of resources, Frederick celebrated his good fortune
by erecting the last great monument at Sans Souci, its first symbol of power:
the New Palace.