March 8, 2010

DvH 2010 09 Ventura County California

The client grew up in the house in the '60s, and aside from a television set and a few new appliances, not a whole lot had changed since then. That's not to say the place had gone to seed-on the contrary, it was maintained quite well, and it still exuded much of its original charm, a welcome respite from a majority of the re-builds. All that was required was a small facelift. Voila!

Coastal dwellers love their beaches.

Watch the surfers when Rincon is breaking in the winter. Many people may live near a beach, but not many can claim that they actually live on the beach. Well, you can live on the beach just 20 minutes south of Santa Barbara.

While the house's interior wins with its charm, the exterior views are downright mesmerizing. Sit on the patio as the sun fades into the ocean and leaves behind a sky full of opaque oranges, and ravenous reds.

During the daytime, you can spend hours on the wooden beachside deck, and watch the seagulls hover in their endless search for scraps.
Walk along the beach and admire the variety of homes, especially the old and funky. To maximize the view, residents don't build big walls or plant dense trees and shrubs to maintain privacy. When the tide is low, small strips of beach emerge, and you can collect interesting rocks and shells brought in by the lazy shore break.

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