August 19, 2015

Bent el-Rhia, the daughter of the wind.

The Arabs called the black rock, known to us as Pantelleria, where the sirocco can blow fiercely from Africa.  The Dammuso the architectural symbol of Pantelleria was created in the 10th century A.D. and it evolved and developed up until the 17th century. By looking at the construction today, one would think they were designed by engineers, architects and ecologists.

Our project resulted in the creation of a private Mediterranean retreat. Designed and built with respect for the island’s architecture and landscape yet incorporating all the latest “green” technologies. The essential restoration has left intact the original structure.  

Dry-stone walls and landscape protection will maintain the landscape and will serve to hold the terrain and provide shelter for animal and plant species.


Syl v O said...

What no tsotchkes? Simple, I like.

Bent el-Rhia said...

Thank you, delighted with my retreat.

Ms. Edna (squared) said...

It was our pleasure.